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07 Aug Enhanced Features of OpenCart Support for PHP 8.0, More Secure and Optimal Performance
OpenCart is an important release that brings several significant improvements and fixes, making it a more stable, secure, and efficient option. First, this version supports PHP 8.0, which not only improves performance but also enhances security, allowing websites to run faster and more securely. Additionally, several fixes have been made fo..
08 Feb Hong Kong Courier Companies
本人在互聯網隨以搜尋幫助香港速遞公司,對香港電子商貿店介紹,並沒有收取任何廣告宣傳,如閣下有任何香港速遞公司提供,請Open A Ticket,恕不能盡錄。S.F. Express 順豐速運香港郵政(香港特別行政區政府)DHL香港嘉里快遞(香港)有限公司志豪快遞有限公司圓通速遞有限公司速遞城信誠商務速遞(ACS Express Ltd.)永利速遞公司香港天天速遞有限公司永利速遞公司香港天天速遞有限公司ShipAny 網店物流自動化..
10 Dec powerful Opencart Basel Theme
23 Oct Combine Order
Combine Orders is a pretty smart extension, which utilizes OpenCart API to combine multiple orders at once. It takes order with the highest ID (base order) from the list of selected orders and uses it as a source of basic information: customer info, shipping and payment methods etc. All products and their options from selected orders are re-added t..
14 Sep 繁體語言包+後台切換 (中文語言包 - 安裝指引)
一鍵安裝,將會上載香港繁體中文語言包及後台語言切換按鈕。如此的方便,我們不僅為您提供了繁體中文語言包安裝,而這是我們的合作夥伴SlaSoft創建和開發的一個奇妙擴展,今年我們專注於的實現後台管理優化模組。===============================    繁體香港中文語言包 - 安裝指引===============================1. 由於OpenCart 版本 v2.3 是用 OCMOD (即 OpenCart Modification) , 所以只需進入Admin 後台後,利用擴充功能安裝,將下載來的 上載到OC 系統。系統會自動分別將裡面兩個語言包文件夾Admin及catalog到你的 OpenCart 網站根目錄內,並且會..
Showing 1 to 5 of 5 (1 Pages)
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