Step 1:

1. Unzip the zip file

2. You will need to use FTP upload the 2 folders "catalog" and admin" to the OpenCart root

Warning: Make sure your OpenCart version is 

**The folder structures of other versions are different and will not work.**

3. Login your opencart admin and go to System > Localisation > Languages

Click the blue color  "+" button to Add 

Insert a new language, Complete the form as follow:

Language Name:  Traditional Chinese (繁體)

Code:    zh-HK

Locale:    zh-HK

Image:   zh-HK.png

Directory:    zh-HK

Status:    Enabled

Sort Order:  Any number

4. If you want make the Chinese language as the default one, follow the step in your admin 

- Go to System > Settings > Click edit on your store > then go to the tab "Local", 

- Select the Language: "Traditional Chinese" and save it.(This is for the store front)

If you want to have the Admin back end with Chinese language,

- Select the Administration Language: "Traditional Chinese", but make sure you know Chinese to switch back to English Admin.