What is a Variant?A variant refers to different versions of the same product that may vary in attributes such as color, size, or specifications. For example, a T-shirt may have multiple color options (red, blue, black) or sizes (S, M, L, XL), but they are fundamentally the same product.Should the product itself be included in the variants list?This..
The following is a summary of the latest features and highlights of OpenCart 4.1 Hong Kong Chinese and English International Edition compared to OpenCart features and improvementsImproved backend management interfaceMore modern UI design, more intuitive operation.Improve the convenience of multi-language management to suit the needs of ..
OpenCart is an important release that brings several significant improvements and fixes, making it a more stable, secure, and efficient option. First, this version supports PHP 8.0, which not only improves performance but also enhances security, allowing websites to run faster and more securely. Additionally, several fixes have been made fo..
What should you consider before updating your PHP version?If your current OpenCart store already has multiple extensions, modifications, themes, and custom features, complications may arise if you update your PHP version without ensuring that everything still works.If you don't take this into consideration and update to a version that's incompatibl..
Top 8 New Features in PHP 8
PHP 8 New Features
JIT Compiler (Just-In-Time Compiler):
The JIT compiler translates PHP code into machine code, enhancing execution speed, particularly in computation-intensive applications.
Union Types:
Allows functions an..
Delivery Standard EC-Get items are delivered within 2 working days after day of posting to designated collection point. Simple Posting Method After input of posting information on “Post Now” webpage or “EC-Ship” online platform , sender can print address label or present QR code at post office for printing address label; or Sender can fill..
Step 1:1. Unzip the zip file2. You will need to use FTP upload the 2 folders "catalog" and admin" to the OpenCart rootWarning: Make sure your OpenCart version is **The folder structures of other versions are different and will not work.**3. Login your opencart admin and go to System > Localisation > LanguagesClick the blue color "+" button..
有客人問我為什麼安裝了繁體語言包,但係還有些英文未翻譯好㗎。在這裡解釋一下有什麼還未能翻譯的部份:*因應每間公司都有不同嘅購買商品運輸處理流程,OpenCart主要提供基本簡單樣本,所以在此'本地化'可以根據自己設計增加或減去相關項目。設置 Setting >本地化 Localisation A. 庫存狀態 (Stock Status)現貨供應 In Stock等待2 - 3天 Wait 2~3 days缺貨中 Out of Stock預 購 Pre-OrderB. 退換狀態 (Returns)[1] 待處理 1.Pending[2] 等待退換商品 (預設) 2.Awaiting Replacement[3] 完成訂單 3.CompleteC.退換作業 (Return Actions)更換..
本人在互聯網隨以搜尋幫助香港速遞公司,對香港電子商貿店介紹,並沒有收取任何廣告宣傳,如閣下有任何香港速遞公司提供,請Open A Ticket,恕不能盡錄。S.F. Express 順豐速運香港郵政(香港特別行政區政府)DHL香港嘉里快遞(香港)有限公司志豪快遞有限公司圓通速遞有限公司速遞城信誠商務速遞(ACS Express Ltd.)永利速遞公司香港天天速遞有限公司永利速遞公司香港天天速遞有限公司ShipAny 網店物流自動化..
The keys to AI helping e-commerce success include the following aspects:In the business field, in addition to tools that help create pictures and videos, AI also has other tools that can help e-commerce stores, such as: Intelligent Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Use AI technology to improve a website’s SEO, improve rankings in search engines..
By Devman / February 10, 2023New features in Opencart 4.0 include a complete interface redesign, a new mobile responsive design that is optimized for mobile browsing and shopping experiences, a redesigned admin panel with a more intuitive interface for managing inventory of your store, shipping fees, customer service tickets, etc…First you should k..
Combine Orders is a pretty smart extension, which utilizes OpenCart API to combine multiple orders at once. It takes order with the highest ID (base order) from the list of selected orders and uses it as a source of basic information: customer info, shipping and payment methods etc. All products and their options from selected orders are re-added t..
軟件/模組應用開發有這樣幾個環境:1.開發環境(development),2.整合環境(integration),3.測試環境(testing),4.驗證環境(Quality Assurance),5.模擬環境(staging),6.生產環境(production)。網站設計中的 staging site網站是一個網站用於在新版軟件投入生產網站(production)之前進行整合,測試和驗證。 這個階段在軟件模組發展階段之後。 軟件生命週期的階段性階段通常在反映生產環境中(production)使用的硬件及軟件不同版本上進行測試。 staging 網站通常與開發站點不同,並提供與開發整合前和整合後與生產環境分開的驗證區域。Staging site可以理解為 production site環境..
Opencart 2.1 中文繁體語言包免費下載(附有中英對照)由於OC2.3 中文繁體語言包 (由於過年前趕工,請多多關照。)這兩個多月努力工作的成果,就係同SlaSoft 合作本地化Admin Enhancement modules 及測試應用於OC 2.3。成績令人滿意,可到這裡體驗一下:https://demo.myopencart.hk/adminUser: demoPassword: demo了解了解更多Admin【後台管理更輕鬆系列】Work Smarter Series能快速控制 繁簡中文、英文三國語言前後台- AdminLangSwitch 後台語言切換 PRO- Admin Quick Links 後台快速鏈接- Quick View Copy - PRO 後台快檢拷貝 ..
一鍵安裝,將會上載香港繁體中文語言包及後台語言切換按鈕。如此的方便,我們不僅為您提供了繁體中文語言包安裝,而這是我們的合作夥伴SlaSoft創建和開發的一個奇妙擴展,今年我們專注於的實現後台管理優化模組。=============================== 繁體香港中文語言包 - 安裝指引===============================1. 由於OpenCart 版本 v2.3 是用 OCMOD (即 OpenCart Modification) , 所以只需進入Admin 後台後,利用擴充功能安裝,將下載來的xxx.ocmod.zip 上載到OC 系統。系統會自動分別將裡面兩個語言包文件夾Admin及catalog到你的 OpenCart 網站根目錄內,並且會..
其實巿場上也有好多做網店的平台及工具, 我會話最重要的 : 唔係工具本身已係你掌握的技術。就打畀以一個煮食為例,有一個家庭主婦問一個專業廚師,我要買什麼煲,買什麼鑊才煮得一餐美食。 我自己也鍾意煮食,我會建議: 先用你自己有嘅鑊煮一隻蛋, 用有嘅工具煲一鍋飯試試。有人話,工欲善其事,必須利其器,我就認為,先認識自己的工具,明白運用的道理,再行進修提昇技能,只有試過,明白多咗,才懂得選擇,才識得發問。如果經營網店,從事實中歸納出要有以下呢幾樣野:1. 可DIY,又可搵外判幫手,可以自己做大幅改動版面,不假手於人。2. 開源軟體(英语:Open Source)開放源代碼在互聯網上獲得廣泛使用,參加者需要大量更新電腦原始碼。3. 靈活性,容易增加功能4. 整合能力,可以與其他第三者整合而唔受限制。..
如果你網店係遇到以下情況:功能受限:不支援第三應用程式,不能自行開發專屬網店功能、網站沒有太多的控制權、非開源系統、不能更換模版主題:一旦選擇該模版,就無法更改、若果容量空間或速度未能滿足,想升級亦無法解決等等...。我們MOC提供網上商店整合方案的香港本土化服務,無限商品、無限分類及無限商店,您可以在這個電子商務平台上同時與多個商店合作。 您可以將產品配置為同時以不同的價格出現在不同的商店中。需要無限商品、無限分類及無限商店但強而有效的LINUX伺服器,myOpencart 會是你的選擇。我們將你的想法,徹底實踐到現實世界中的每個移動設備上,可用性和易用兼容,並與良好的物流合作夥伴整合, 多選擇的付款方式給本地用戶將是成功業務的關鍵要素。快而有效的服務-承接網站外判管理支援及定期數據維護服..
貨幣代碼和名稱貨幣代碼貨幣名稱AFNAfghaniDZDAlgerian DinarARSArgentine PesoAMDArmenian DramAWGAruban GuilderAUDAustralian DollarAZNAzerbaijanian ManatBSDBahamian DollarBHDBahraini DinarTHBBahtPABBalboaBBDBarbados DollarBYRBelarussian RubleBZDBelize DollarBMDBermudian DollarVEFBolivar FuerteBOBBolivianoBRLBrazilian RealBNDBrunei DollarBGNBulgarian LevBIFBurundi Fra..
1. 系統要求2. 安裝 OpenCart3. 從後台開始4. 下載與上載之解構網頁寄存 - 系統要求要在伺服器上正確安裝OpenCart : 系統要求是Web服務器(Apache建議)PHP 5.3+(1.5.x 至少5.2+)數據庫(MySQLi建議)需求的 PHP庫/模塊CurlZIPZlibGD LibraryMcryptMbstringsXml上述PHP擴展應該幾乎所有網頁寄存的主機供應商都有,在安裝過程中,OpenCart會自動檢查你伺服器是否都有啟用, 如果缺少您可聯絡您的網頁寄存公司。安裝 OpenCart3. 從後台開始4. 下載與上載之解構一切由下而上, 從下載備份,才上載更新..
Showing 1 to 20 of 20 (1 Pages)